Active Ingredients

Stabilized* Aloe Vera Gel, oil of wintergreen, and capsaicin (extract of capsicum, which is the rubefaction (burning) agent in red pepper). Capsaloe Liniment is a moisturizing lotion, containing the gel from mature Aloe Vera leaves which has been stabilized* at full potency and standardized for topical application. Oil of wintergreen and capsaicin are contained as counterirritants. Used as a lotion to provide soothing moisture and warmth to help relieve pain, swelling, inflammation and soreness or muscles, tendons and joints, Capsaloe Liniment lubricates and provides an excellent medium for Ultrasound without unnecessarily releasing excessive vapors into the air.


Coats Capsaloe Liniment is a healing, moisturizing warmth-stimulating lotion for topical use. It may be indicated in conditions resulting from extreme muscle stress; contusions; sprains; strains; overexertion or arthritis; backaches; muscle inflammation; inflammations in tendons and/or joints (such as tennis elbow); hematoma; non-poisonous insect bites; bacterial, viral, and fungal skin infections, including athlete's foot; in rashes and minor skin irritations.


The following properties of Capsaloe Liniment are principally responsible for its healing potential when used in the indications we have just noted:

  1. Its antipruritic action promptly relieves itching and irritations
  2. Its penetrating properties carry healing action to the afflicted areas
  3. Capsaloe Liniment's analgesic action promptly relieves pain and soreness
  4. It helps reduce edema and swelling from involved areas
  5. It is reported to be bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal
  6. It exhibits anti-inflammatory activity similar to steroids without the possibility of side effects
  7. It stimulates normal cell proliferation to accelerate healing

Dosage and Administration

Cleanse the area to be treated prior to application to minimize the possibility of introduction of pathogens or allergens. Massaging lightly, apply liberal amountsof Capsaloe Liniment to involved areas for at least five minutes (with or without Ultrasound). Repeat this application four times daily. Conditions below the surface of the skin may be benefitted in accelerated measure by preceding this treatment with thirty minutes of soaking in Aloe Activator.


There are no known contraindications for use of Capsaloe Liniment.


Due to the penetrating effects of Capsaloe Liniment, the area to be treated should be cleansed of anything that should not be carried through the skin. Capsaloe Liniment is not recommended for serious burns or deep puncture wounds. All persons being treated for deep puncture wounds should first be administered a tetanus toxoid injection (by a doctor) or booster before additional medication may be applied.